17 oz 2017/18 Death of the Dollar Set #1-16 + Bonus Double Obverse Silver Shield

17 oz 2017/18 Death of the Dollar Set #1-16 + Bonus Double Obverse Silver Shield
17 oz 2017/18 Death of the Dollar Set #1-16 + Bonus Double Obverse Silver Shield
17 oz 2017/18 Death of the Dollar Set #1-16 + Bonus Double Obverse Silver Shield
17 oz 2017/18 Death of the Dollar Set #1-16 + Bonus Double Obverse Silver Shield
17 oz 2017/18 Death of the Dollar Set #1-16 + Bonus Double Obverse Silver Shield
17 oz 2017/18 Death of the Dollar Set #1-16 + Bonus Double Obverse Silver Shield
17 oz 2017/18 Death of the Dollar Set #1-16 + Bonus Double Obverse Silver Shield
17 oz 2017/18 Death of the Dollar Set #1-16 + Bonus Double Obverse Silver Shield
17 oz 2017/18 Death of the Dollar Set #1-16 + Bonus Double Obverse Silver Shield
17 oz 2017/18 Death of the Dollar Set #1-16 + Bonus Double Obverse Silver Shield

17 oz 2017/18 Death of the Dollar Set #1-16 + Bonus Double Obverse Silver Shield
2017/18 Death of the Dollar Partial Set (16 oz). MORE PICS COMING SOON. 17 oz Death of the Dollar Partial. Proof Set With COA’s and Boxes. 1 – Winter is Here. This is the beginning of a new series called Death of the Dollar. Had this Putin sculpt done last year and has designed a whole series around that idea. The Merican Empire is built on the debt and death of the dollar. Where ever we go our bombs and bankers follow. While it seems the dollar is unstoppable and accepted the world over, there is great pain, resentment, and nemesis built up over decades of dollar abuse around the world. There are many who would benefit tremendously if the dollar would collapse and their local currencies empowered. No one knows this more than Vladimir Putuin. The Russians suffered tremendously under the Anglo American Bolshevik invasion and with the collapse of the Soviet Union, one man cunningly rose to power right under the Rothschild oligarchs noses to expel them from Russia. Putin has brought Russia back to Czarist glory in a democratic way. He had actively increased gold holdings, took back the Rothschild Oligarchs stolen assets and forged new alliances with other AntiHegemon partners like China that do not benefit off of dollar hegemony. Vladimir Putin is playing Trump like a Game of Thrones episode. Trump is so desperately looking for approval from a real man and Putin plays him perfectly. This will become more apparent as time goes by and the Death of the Dollar approaches like Winter Is Coming and is finally here. Winter is Here is a first in a multi strike sculpted series that will highlight the many nations and billions of people all over the world that have suffered under dollar hegemony. It will blend the cultural aspect related to death and the representation of debt being death. This new series called Death of the Dollar. The sculpt is of Vladimir Putin sitting on a silver throne that combines the Double headed Eagle of the Coat of Arms of Russia and the Iron Throne of Game of Thrones. Putin patiently waits as the Dollar burns knowing that…… 2 – Debt and Death V3 Half. This is the one that started it all! The original Debt and Death was a truly unique private strike in a government dominated silver market. Many others have tried to copy it, but all have fallen to the wayside. It was unique in marketing, design and significance. A truly grass roots, anti debt and death paradigm, conscious, individual solution. Every ounce of silver deleverages the debt and death paradigm and adds real, tangible and eternal wealth to your family. The Rothschilds more than any other family in history have brought about the most debt and death to humanity. Nathanial Rothschild, featured in this strike, is the root of this evil that persists even today. He was one of 5 brothers spread across Europe involved in the Rothschild Banking dynasty. He leveraged the loss of Napoleon into controlling the stocks, bonds and banking of the British Empire that would dominate the world for the next century. It is vital to understand that there are no collective solutions to this unconscious, collectivist problems. There is no political movement, collectivist messiah, or legislation that will rout out this evil from humanity. Recognize that the world is unconsciously supporting debt and death. It is far deeper than banking. Humanity empowers these cunning men with all of their consumption, careers, votes, views and thoughts. What is worse, humanity is so inured in the debt and death paradigm that they would kill their brother to keep them in their own chains. The ONLY solution is conscious, individual solutions. Realize that you cannot change the world to be happy and free, you can only change yourself to make your world happy and free. By understanding this you focus all of your attention and persistence into things you can control. Your friends, family, skills, and real tangible wealth. Silver is by far the easiest and most universally needed part of that plan to prepare for the end of the Debt and Death paradigm. When all of these fiat, debt based, global, generational Ponzi, counter party risk assets collapse, only real tangible things will survive the bonfire. Silver is by far the most versatile, vital, undervalued, eternal asset to own in the world right now. Silver is the cure to the debt and death paradigm. Silver Shield strikes seek to become the historically significant exclamation point that not all of humanity was blind and impotent to this great evil. Silver Shield Debt and Death, more than any other design, expresses the harsh truth about our reality. Until humanity becomes conscious of the debt and death paradigm they will never rebel. Until they rebel against the debt and death paradigm they will never become conscious. The 2017 1 oz Half Proof Debt and Death V3 is a re-imagining of the original. This is the third sculpt of this design and second by famed sculptress Heidi Wastweet. This design addresses the one thing that bothered me about the first two, you could not read the message. With this new version, you can clearly see that while they say “In God We Trust” on their fiat, debt based, slave currency they give us… The harsh truth is that “In Debt and Death They Trust”. It is what gives them God-like power over humanity. This is the second in the 2017 Death of the Dollar series, and one of five Rothschild themed designs inside that series. Now we can become conscious and use their future promises on wealth to stack real, tangible and eternal wealth every chance we get. This will shift the balance of power over time into conscious, decentralized, power in your hands. When the day of reckoning comes for this global, generational Ponzi scheme, you will have the capital to reshape your world and protect the ones you love. The 2017 1 oz Proof Dollar Dragon is the third in the Death of the Dollar series. The world does not benefit from the current dollar paradigm and would benefit from end of the Dollar. The Chinese are very patient and industrious. Had they not suffered under two British Opium wars, colonization and the inevitable Communist backlash of Mao, they would have never given up the throne of largest economy in the world. Now the Chinese are seeking to reclaim that throne through a very long vision of industrialization, financialization and militarization to bring China from third world to leader of the world. They have huge dollar reserves but they are also the largest producer of gold and now the largest importer of gold. They are also the largest importer of Middle East Oil and have forged strong ties with Iran and even Saudi Arabia with business deals without the threat of bombs. They have created an multi billion dollar Asian infrastructure plan that will become the New Silk Road and diversify inland away from the naval dominance of the US. The strategic alliance with Russia ties two nuclear powers with huge natural resources and manufacturing. The Chinese have also created a World Bank alternative with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). In short, the Chinese know that the Merican empire is a wounded giant, they seek not to enrage the beast but are sharpening their knives to cut up the world with their partners when the US crashes. Merica has no one to blame but themselves as they allowed China to rise with short sighted Merican de-industrialization and industrialization of China, along with Most Favored Nation trade status. All of which was probably part of the plan to set the stage for World War 3 that only the banksters profit off of. The Latin above the pyramid, ANNUIT COEPTIS, means God has favored. ” The Latin below the pyramid, NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM, means “a new. ” OR ” The New World Order. 4 – Blood for Oil. The 2017 1 oz Proof Blood for Oil is the forth in the Death of the Dollar series. Ever since Nixon took the Dollar off of the international gold standard, the Petro Dollar trade has been a crucial part of Dollar dominance. Henry Kissinger is secretly the godfather of the Petro Dollar. He knew that a fiat dollar would eventually crash unless there was continuous demand for it. As part of his plan they would increase the price of oil by hundreds of percent and have those oil nations recycle those dollars through the financial centers of London and New York. The US would provide critical military protection from the Communists to the north. The US at the time controlled the two largest oil producers with King Faisal in Saudi Arabia and the Shah in Iran that they placed there after the CIA’s coup of Democratically elected Mossedegh. The contrived plan worked well with the Arab nations proclaiming oil “shortages” against the “great Satan” that made the price of oil go up 400% in 1973. Curiously the Arab nations declaring only to trade oil for dollar and then recycling those dollars through New York and London. These “oil shocks” benefited the Anglo American Oil barons that saw huge profits to reinvest in expensive projects like the North Sea oil field. This Petro Dollar also served as a way of exporting inflation as new dollars were printed they were hoarded by foreign nations in order to afford the oil they needed. Despite being in the twilight of the Petro Age, these deep financial and political roots still matter with the Zionist Greater Israel Project, demonization of Iran and the reliance of Europe and China on Middle East oil, it is assured the US will continue to spill blood for oil. 5 – Debt Slave. The 2017 1 oz Proof Debt Slave is the Fifth in the Death of the Dollar series. For almost all of human existence, humans have enslaved other humans physically. When that ended, a new form of human slavery became even more pernicious, debt slavery. Power shifted from warlords, generals and politicians to the hidden bankster. These banksters move quietly behind the scenes backing all sides of their rigged game, all the while counting their profits. Silver remains the most pure way of cleansing this system, by using their debt based, ponzi fiat to stack real, tangible wealth outside of their system of debt and death. Will the Death of the Dollar be the conscious crisis to end all debt slavery or will it be the start of an even more evil Mark of the Beast? 6 – Debt and Death V4 Proof. In debt and death they still trust. For hundreds of years the criminal banking cartel has preyed on humanity with spreading debt to those that serve them and death to all that oppose them. In the new monetary order men like Jamie Dimon gloat that they are richer than you because they are too big to fail. It is time to strike at their Achilles Heel with stacking physical silver and deleverage their Ponzi empire of lies. The 2017 1 oz Proof Debt Means Death is the seventh in the Death of the Dollar series. Japan serves as a warning for America of what happens when you let the Banksters destroy your country. Once an island nation of beautiful Zen gardens, high culture and traditions and fearsome warriors. Now they are a nation of dying elderly, overworked adults and sexless cos-playing kids. 7- 1 oz 2017 Debt Means Death. Proof With COA and Box. Now Japan is a conquered castrated nation under the thumb of the Trilateral Group. Japan was the first nation that got tremendously wealthy off of serving the banksters. Their corporation built American consumer goods in return they supported the dollar and financed our egregious spending. Zombie corporations stalked the Fukishima economic waste lands. More and more debt was saddled on the Japanese whose savings were rewarded with less and less interest. Now adult diapers out sell baby diapers. They are entering the second lost generation of debt slaves and it has killed this country. A dishonorable, slow death awaits Japan. The 2017 Debt Means Death design combines many of Chris’s favorite visual cues like the rising sun back ground, an Akira Kurosawa blood splatter and the guttural determination of an honorable traditional death of seppuku over the dollars and yen of debt this nation has. Until humanity starts viewing debt with death, nothing will ever change! 8 – 1 oz 2017 Nataraja. Shiva the Pagan lord of the Cosmic Dance destroys all illusions and ignorance. India was once the second largest economy in the world up until the occupation of the Fascist and Racist British East India Company started looting India and growing Opium there. Then the British Monarchy took over India and was called the Crown Jewel of the Empire that the Sun never set upon. Even after India reclaimed it’s independence, she was cut in two with the creation of Muslim Pakistan. India has yet to globally recover from the heinous acts of the Anglo American bankers and Royals. Now Shiva takes the stage in the 8th of Death of the Dollar series. He is surrounded by fire that symbolically destroys all things, Just like he will be when babylon is destroyed. In this case it is the cosmic destruction of the Debt and Death Dollar. His bent legs show the energetic dancing as he fulfills is cosmic role. The cobra around his arm suggests not to fear near by evil. The raised left foot symbolizes liberation. The dwarf on which Nataraja dances is traditionally the demon Apasmara purusha, which symbolises action and dance leads to victory over demonic evil and ignorance. I have replaced it with a dwarf Uncle Sam which is a personification of the US Government. Only through the hyperinflationary fire of the dollar can a cosmic understanding and new sustainable, resonating order be created. 9 – 1 oz 2017 Government Sacks. Goldman Sachs owns him, remember that folks, they own him. What’s he going to do? Be rough on Goldman Sachs when he has a personal guarantee for a million dollars? That was candidate Trump exposing Ted Cruz’s ties to Goldman Sachs, on top of Cruz’s wife being a former Goldman gal herself. Once Trump became President Trump, in rushed what I believe is the most Goldman Sachs guys in any Presidential Administration ever! They are NOT there for their patriotic duty. They are there to profit and protect their interest when the next financial crisis happens. From left to right. A powerful lawyer that has advised the bank on how to deal with government and regulation since at least 2002. He is also married to Gretchen Butler Clayton, a Goldman wealth manager of 10 years. Now Head of the SEC. She was managing director and partner at Goldman Sachs. During the election Senior Counselor to the President for Economic Initiatives and is now is Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategy. A former partner at Goldman Sachs that then established the company SFM Capital Management together with financier George Soros. Now Secretary of the Treasury. The highest ranking of Goldman in the Trump White House. He was the President and COO of Goldman Sachs. Now 11th Director of the National Economic Council. He worked at Goldman Sachs as an investment banker in the Mergers and Acquisitions Department. When he left the company, Bannon held the position of vice president. Now White House Chief Strategist. He began his career at Goldman Sachs in 1989 in the Investment Banking division. Scaramucci was named Assistant to President Trump and director of the White House Office of Public Liaison and Intergovernmental Affairs then senior vice president and chief strategy officer for the U. Export-Import Bank and then briefly the White House Communications Director. So Goldman has everything covered. Stocks, National Security, Treasury, Economic Policy, Strategy and Communications. Six people from one giant vampire squid bank in top positions of power just awaiting the right crisis to create more debt and death for their power and profit. Why doesn’t anyone SEE THIS? 10 – 1 oz 2017 La Muerte del Dollar (Death of the Dollar). The 2017 1 oz Proof. La Muerte del Do. Is the tenth in the Death of the Dollar series. The United States has a horrible track record of intervention in Central and South America ever since the Racist and Hegemonic Monroe Doctrine. Over throwing governments, stealing natural resources, corporate power plays, assassinations, coups and drug running has permanently scarred the beautiful and bountiful lands south of the border. The very reason why we have an illegal immigrant problem here is a direct result of America destroying the fabric of life there for debt and death. The Death of the Dollar series highlights the many nations that would actually benefit off of the death of the dollar. So that the United States would no longer have the unlimited funds and arrogance to dictate the lives of others around the world. I used the Mexican Day of the Dead motif to show the young girl observing the death of the dollar. 11 – 1 oz 2017 Das Vierte Reich. What the Blitzkrieg could not accomplish, the Euro has.. 12 – 1 oz 2017 Moto. This is what an honest US Military Recruiting Poster would look like! 13 – 1oz 2018 Mark of the Beast. This was taken from the 1980 Economist magazine showing the Phoenix rising from the ashes of a burning pile of fiat dollars. 14 – 1oz 2018 BorgCoin. 15 – 1oz 2018 Fiat Nevermore. Edgar Allan Poe’s famous Raven perched atop a skull, burning the dollar – with the phrase “Fiat Nevermore” to emphasize the worthless value of paper currency. 16 – 1oz 2018 End the War on Freedom. Cannabis was not illegal in the United States until 1937? The law to outlaw Cannabis was only debated for 90 seconds with the sole opposition being the American Medical Association. AMA Legislative Counsel Dr. Woodward testified, There is no evidence that marijuana is a dangerous drug. Woodward challenged the propriety of passing legislation based only on newspaper accounts and questioned why no data from the Bureau of Prisons or the Childrens Bureau supported the FBNs position. He further argued that the legislation would severely compromise a physicians ability to utilize marijuanas therapeutic potential. There has never ever been a death related to Cannabis over dose. More people die from Peanut allergies than Cannabis. And yet it is classified as a Class 1 drug along with Crack and Meth? ! There is nothing medically dangerous about Cannabis, but there is a major financial danger to a few billion-dollar industries that profit off of illegal Cannabis. The biggest opponent of Cannabis Legalization is the Pharmaceutical Industry that sells the far more dangerous, more abused and legal Opioids to which major Athletes have come out against in favor of. Cannabis in treating their life long injuries. Another major opponent is the for-profit prison industry that without Cannabis convictions they would not be in business. 52% of all drug arrests were Cannabis related. That is 8.2 million arrested from 2001 to 2010! So that the billions of social costs flow to the Prison Industrial Complex. The military profits off of the prohibition of Cannabis. Have you seen the American troops protecting Opium fields in Afghanistan? Do you know the only reason why we are over there is because the Taliban banned Opium production? The liquor industry is opposed to the legalization of Cannabis because it would destroy peoples consumption of alcohol. Alcohol kills far more people every year with close to 88,000 alcohol related deaths. Bonus Death of the Dollar Double Obverse. 1 oz 2017 Death Dollar Double Obverse. The 2017 1 oz Proof Double Obverse Death Dollar is the ninth in the Death of the Dollar series. Chris has always sought to consciously challenge the unconscious masses with thought provoking ideas and art. The 2017 1 oz Proof Double Obverse Death Dollar is his artistic challenge to the U. The 2013 Warbird sought to show that we do not spread liberty or freedom around the world, but rather Debt and Death for the banksters. The 2016 Blinded Liberty exposed the truth of how we allowed this Debt and Death paradigm to exist. Blinded by digital distractions, narcissism, chained by debt, trusting the new God of the Fed, carrying the fascist axe, and completely ignorant to false flags that shape our reality. This exclusive 2017 1 oz Proof Double Obverse Death Dollar is perhaps the most important piece of work I have done thus far. This is apart of the Death of the Dollar Series. This is the first Double Obverse in the series. This will also have the purity stamp and individual numbered on the side of each strike. Full Death of the Dollar Series Includes. 1 oz 2017 Death of the Dollar #1 – Winter is Here Proof. 1 oz 2017 Death of the Dollar #2 – Debt & Death V3. Proof – 1000 Minted. 1 oz 2017 Death of the Dollar #3 – Dollar Dragon Proof. 1 oz 2017 Death of the Dollar #4 – Blood for Oil Proof. 1 oz 2017 Death of the Dollar #5 – Debt Slave Proof. 1 oz 2017 Death of the Dollar #6 – Debt & Death V4 Proof. 1 oz 2017 Death of the Dollar #7 – Debt Means Death Proof. 1 oz 2017 Death of the Dollar #8 – Nataraja Proof. 1 oz 2017 Death of the Dollar #9 – Government Sacs Proof. 1 oz 2017 Death of the Dollar #10 – La Muerte Proof. 1 oz 2017 Death of the Dollar #11 – Das Reich Proof. 1 oz 2017 Death of the Dollar #12 – MOTO Proof. 1 oz 2018 Death of the Dollar #13 – Mark of the Beast Proof. 1 oz 2018 Death of the Dollar #14 – BorgCoin Proof. 1 oz 2018 Death of the Dollar #15 – Fiat Nevermore Proof. 1 oz 2018 Death of the Dollar #16 – End the War on Freedom Proof. 1 oz 2017 Death Dollar Proof. The item “17 oz 2017/18 Death of the Dollar Set #1-16 + Bonus Double Obverse Silver Shield” is in sale since Thursday, November 9, 2017. This item is in the category “Coins & Paper Money\Bullion\Silver\Bars & Rounds”. The seller is “ag-koinz” and is located in Kitchener, Ontario. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Shape: Round
  • Metal Type: Silver
  • Weight: 17 oz
  • Modified Item: No
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
  • Fineness: .999
  • Precious Metal Content per Unit: 1 oz
  • Strike Type: Proof Set
  • Year: 2017/2018
  • Brand/Mint: Silver Shield

17 oz 2017/18 Death of the Dollar Set #1-16 + Bonus Double Obverse Silver Shield

1986 2018 (32) Coin Proof American Silver Eagle Set Pcgs Pr 69

1986 2018 (32) Coin Proof American Silver Eagle Set Pcgs Pr 69
1986 2018 (32) Coin Proof American Silver Eagle Set Pcgs Pr 69
1986 2018 (32) Coin Proof American Silver Eagle Set Pcgs Pr 69
1986 2018 (32) Coin Proof American Silver Eagle Set Pcgs Pr 69
1986 2018 (32) Coin Proof American Silver Eagle Set Pcgs Pr 69
1986 2018 (32) Coin Proof American Silver Eagle Set Pcgs Pr 69
1986 2018 (32) Coin Proof American Silver Eagle Set Pcgs Pr 69
1986 2018 (32) Coin Proof American Silver Eagle Set Pcgs Pr 69
1986 2018 (32) Coin Proof American Silver Eagle Set Pcgs Pr 69
1986 2018 (32) Coin Proof American Silver Eagle Set Pcgs Pr 69
1986 2018 (32) Coin Proof American Silver Eagle Set Pcgs Pr 69
1986 2018 (32) Coin Proof American Silver Eagle Set Pcgs Pr 69

1986 2018 (32) Coin Proof American Silver Eagle Set Pcgs Pr 69
1986 – 2018 (32) COIN PROOF AMERICAN SILVER EAGLE SET PCGS PR 69. Up for sale is a 32 coin complete graded set of PCGS Silver Proof eagles graded PR69 housed in 2 PCGS boxes. You will receive the coins in the photos. Some coins have spots/toning such as 1991 1993 1995 1999 2001 2011 2012 2015. It is hard to find a complete 32 coin set graded proofs by PCGS. Our favorite product is the American Silver Eagles or Morgan Dollars. Thanks for looking and please check out our other items for sale! All items are as described in the above listing. The photo’s usually represent the actual item. Customers should satisfy themselves that any item choice made is suitable for their intended purpose or use. You may also be interested in…. View more great items. Template by Froo Apps. The item “1986 2018 (32) COIN PROOF AMERICAN SILVER EAGLE SET PCGS PR 69″ is in sale since Saturday, July 28, 2018. This item is in the category “Coins & Paper Money\Bullion\Silver\Coins”. The seller is “sccoins2″ and is located in Santa Rosa, California. This item can be shipped to United States.
  • Certification Number: vary
  • Type: Coin
  • Material: .999 Fine Silver
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
  • Circulated/Uncirculated: Uncirculated
  • Strike Type: Proof
  • Total Precious Metal Content: 32 OZ
  • Shape: Coin
  • Year: 1986-2018
  • Grade: PR 69
  • Minted: U.S. MINT
  • Producer: THE U.S. MINT
  • Coin: American Eagle
  • Certification: PCGS
  • Precious Metal Content: 1 oz

1986 2018 (32) Coin Proof American Silver Eagle Set Pcgs Pr 69

2011 American Eagle 25th Anniversary Silver Coin Set 5 Coins Proof, Uncirculated

2011 American Eagle 25th Anniversary Silver Coin Set 5 Coins Proof, Uncirculated
2011 American Eagle 25th Anniversary Silver Coin Set 5 Coins Proof, Uncirculated
2011 American Eagle 25th Anniversary Silver Coin Set 5 Coins Proof, Uncirculated
2011 American Eagle 25th Anniversary Silver Coin Set 5 Coins Proof, Uncirculated
2011 American Eagle 25th Anniversary Silver Coin Set 5 Coins Proof, Uncirculated
2011 American Eagle 25th Anniversary Silver Coin Set 5 Coins Proof, Uncirculated
2011 American Eagle 25th Anniversary Silver Coin Set 5 Coins Proof, Uncirculated
2011 American Eagle 25th Anniversary Silver Coin Set 5 Coins Proof, Uncirculated
2011 American Eagle 25th Anniversary Silver Coin Set 5 Coins Proof, Uncirculated
2011 American Eagle 25th Anniversary Silver Coin Set 5 Coins Proof, Uncirculated
2011 American Eagle 25th Anniversary Silver Coin Set 5 Coins Proof, Uncirculated
2011 American Eagle 25th Anniversary Silver Coin Set 5 Coins Proof, Uncirculated

2011 American Eagle 25th Anniversary Silver Coin Set 5 Coins Proof, Uncirculated
Bought directly from the Mint. Never opened/coins never out of the cases. Comes in original box, with fine case/display, and COA. See photos of COA for specs on each coin. The item “2011 American Eagle 25th Anniversary Silver Coin Set 5 Coins Proof, Uncirculated” is in sale since Wednesday, September 5, 2018. This item is in the category “Coins & Paper Money\Bullion\Silver\Coins”. The seller is “ableassoc” and is located in McKeesport, Pennsylvania. This item can be shipped to United States.
2011 American Eagle 25th Anniversary Silver Coin Set 5 Coins Proof, Uncirculated

2017 Proof Silver Eagle Limited Edition Proof Set Ogp Box Cert 17rc Ac Fresh

2017 Proof Silver Eagle Limited Edition Proof Set Ogp Box Cert 17rc Ac Fresh

2017 Proof Silver Eagle Limited Edition Proof Set Ogp Box Cert 17rc Ac Fresh
Awesome high grade coins!! SILVER – PROOF SET VERSION!! Includes original US Mint COA and Box. Please see pics for additional details. The item “2017 PROOF SILVER EAGLE LIMITED EDITION PROOF SET OGP BOX CERT 17RC AC FRESH” is in sale since Tuesday, July 31, 2018. This item is in the category “Coins & Paper Money\Coins\ US\Proof Sets”. The seller is “flcoins” and is located in Jacksonville, Florida. This item can be shipped to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Denmark, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Czech republic, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Estonia, Australia, Greece, Portugal, Cyprus, Slovenia, Japan, Sweden, Indonesia, Thailand, Belgium, France, Hong Kong, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, Singapore, Switzerland, Norway, Saudi arabia, Ukraine, United arab emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Croatia, Malaysia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia.
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
  • Certification: Uncertified
  • Strike Type: Proof
  • Mint Location: San Francisco
  • Grade: Ungraded
  • Year: 2017
  • Circulated/Uncirculated: Uncirculated
  • Composition: Silver

2017 Proof Silver Eagle Limited Edition Proof Set Ogp Box Cert 17rc Ac Fresh

2018-S Proof $1 American Silver Eagle 3pc. Set NGC PF70UC FDI First Label Red Wh

2018-S Proof $1 American Silver Eagle 3pc. Set NGC PF70UC FDI First Label Red Wh
2018-S Proof $1 American Silver Eagle 3pc. Set NGC PF70UC FDI First Label Red Wh
2018-S Proof $1 American Silver Eagle 3pc. Set NGC PF70UC FDI First Label Red Wh
2018-S Proof $1 American Silver Eagle 3pc. Set NGC PF70UC FDI First Label Red Wh
2018-S Proof $1 American Silver Eagle 3pc. Set NGC PF70UC FDI First Label Red Wh
2018-S Proof $1 American Silver Eagle 3pc. Set NGC PF70UC FDI First Label Red Wh
2018-S Proof $1 American Silver Eagle 3pc. Set NGC PF70UC FDI First Label Red Wh

2018-S Proof $1 American Silver Eagle 3pc. Set NGC PF70UC FDI First Label Red Wh
1 oz Gold Bars. Queen’s Beast Series. 1 oz Silver Bars. 5 oz Silver Bars. 10 oz Silver Bars. Kilo oz Silver Bars. 100 oz Silver Bars. Proof & Mint Sets. Set NGC PF70UC FDI First Label Red White Blue. In order to provide our customers with the best quality certified coins, PCE, Inc. Only deals in NGC and PCGS certified coins. NGC and PCGS are the most highly respected third party grading services in the coin industry today. Customer service is our number one goal. The coin pictured is only a representation of the coin you will receive, not the exact coin (serial numbers will vary). All of our packages are fully insured. Other methods may be used depending on circumstance. This time frame is only an estimate, not a guarantee. Once an order is placed it can only be canceled not adjusted. We always do our best to provide our customers with speedy service; however some things are out of our control. There is always the possibility for a delay due to these third party services or the possibility of a product becoming damaged or lost in transit. The simple fact is, all of the above-described scenarios are unacceptable to us and we will never put this burden on our customers. If anything happens to a product in transit, we will always be willing to replace the product. For large orders with customers that we do not have a previously established business relationship, a wire may be necessary. This will be determined at the discretion of Pinehurst Coins. We do not offer discounts unless it is otherwise posted on our listing. Please see individual listings for details. Placing an order locks in your price. We do not offer price adjustments on our items. Both the precious metals and numismatic markets can be volatile and change on a regular basis. Placing your order locks in your price and this price cannot be adjusted. We always do our best to satisfy our customers. ALL BULLION ITEMS ARE FINAL SALE. Due to the volatile nature of the bullion market all gold, silver, platinum and palladium bullion sales are final. You may cancel your order, however all cancellations will be subject to any market loss as described in our Market Loss Policy. Founded in 2004 by current President and CEO Vincent Wade, Pinehurst Coins is a family owned and operated business. Since the companies inception, the goal has been simple; create a business model in which the client always receives excellent customer service and a quality product at the best possible price. We have stuck to this model and never looked back. At Pinehurst Coins we are very much aware that coin collectors are immensely pragmatic and detail oriented. We know what our clients want and what they expect. This is precisely why we always go the extra mile to ensure every coin we sell has been thoroughly inspected by one of our full time numismatists before it ever makes it into our client’s hand. For those of you who are existing customers and are taking the time to read this; we thank you. As for the first time customers, we appreciate you giving us a chance to meet your numismatic needs and we promise that you will not be disappointed. The item “2018-S Proof $1 American Silver Eagle 3pc. Set NGC PF70UC FDI First Label Red Wh” is in sale since Wednesday, August 8, 2018. This item is in the category “Coins & Paper Money\Bullion\Silver\Coins”. The seller is “pinehurstcoins” and is located in Pinehurst, North Carolina. This item can be shipped to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, France, Australia, Denmark, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Czech republic, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Estonia, Greece, Portugal, Cyprus, Slovenia, Sweden, Indonesia, Belgium, Hong Kong, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Italy, Austria, Singapore, Norway, Saudi arabia, United arab emirates, Bahrain, Croatia, Malaysia, Chile, Colombia, Costa rica, Panama, Trinidad and tobago, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica.
  • Brand/Mint: U.S. Mint
  • Coin: American Eagle
  • Precious Metal Content per Unit: 1 oz
  • Total Precious Metal Content: 3 oz
  • Strike Type: Proof
  • Certification: NGC
  • Grade: PR 70
  • Year: 2018
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: United States

2018-S Proof $1 American Silver Eagle 3pc. Set NGC PF70UC FDI First Label Red Wh

2018 S Silver Kennedy 2 Coins (TWO) Reverse Proof & ERROR / VARIETY in FINISH

2018 S Silver Kennedy 2 Coins (TWO) Reverse Proof & ERROR / VARIETY in FINISH
2018 S Silver Kennedy 2 Coins (TWO) Reverse Proof & ERROR / VARIETY in FINISH
2018 S Silver Kennedy 2 Coins (TWO) Reverse Proof & ERROR / VARIETY in FINISH
2018 S Silver Kennedy 2 Coins (TWO) Reverse Proof & ERROR / VARIETY in FINISH
2018 S Silver Kennedy 2 Coins (TWO) Reverse Proof & ERROR / VARIETY in FINISH
2018 S Silver Kennedy 2 Coins (TWO) Reverse Proof & ERROR / VARIETY in FINISH
2018 S Silver Kennedy 2 Coins (TWO) Reverse Proof & ERROR / VARIETY in FINISH
2018 S Silver Kennedy 2 Coins (TWO) Reverse Proof & ERROR / VARIETY in FINISH

2018 S Silver Kennedy 2 Coins (TWO) Reverse Proof & ERROR / VARIETY in FINISH
Important Release Dates US Mint. 2018 S Proof Set (PR) Coins SEE MY STORE. 2018 S Silver Proof Set (PR) Coins SEE MY STORE. 2018 P & D Uncirculated Coin Set all P & D Coins Mint State (MS) SEE MY STORE. When you read that you are getting a coin that has not been released yet by the US Mint you are getting lower quality circulated coin from a bank roll or bank bag. They are not (PR) Proof or (MS) Mint State Coin. Coins from bags and roll will not grade high. It is sad that other sellers wont list in their description where these coins actually come from that they sell you. 2018-S Silver Reverse Kennedy. One Set (2 Coins). 1 One Normal Reverse Proof &. 1 One ERROR/VARIETY IN FINISH. HOW MANY ERRORS ARE OUT THERE, VERY FEW THIS WILL ONLY GO UP… Choose Item # you want or one set pictured will be sent. They are pretty much all the same. (2) Silver Kennedy Coins Item #ER02. (2) Silver Kennedy Coins Item #ER03. (2) Silver Kennedy Coins Item #ER04. (2) Silver Kennedy Coins Item #ER05. You will get two (2) Silver Kennedy Coins in there own Airtite capsules. High Resolution Pictures taken. Any marks blemishes or reflections are on not on the coin themselves. The pictures were taken in the capsules. If you have questions please message me. Numismatic News posted an article covering this “error” on August 12th, 2018. You can read the article here— https:// www numismasticnews. Net/article/reverse-proof-error-found. What are you getting for FREE. (We do not send out envelopes with a stamp). (no one else does this). We provide a fivestar service so please do the same when leaving feedback and give us five stars……. Please view the pictures and grade for yourself. No warranties are expressed or implied in my opinion of the grades. Grading is an art, not a science. Several subjective factors of personal preference may be considered different by others. Be sure to add me to your favorites list. ALL AUTHENTIC COINS, CURRENCY & DISNEY MERCHANDISE. NO SESDEMA – NO PRO PINS – NO EURO PINS. Have been Trading for over 10 Years. View more great items. The item “2018 S Silver Kennedy 2 Coins (TWO) Reverse Proof & ERROR / VARIETY in FINISH” is in sale since Thursday, August 23, 2018. This item is in the category “Coins & Paper Money\Coins\ US\Proof Sets”. The seller is “luvdis1024″ and is located in Davenport, Florida. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Modified Item: No
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
  • Certification: U.S. Mint
  • Strike Type: Reverse Proof & Error Reverse Proof
  • Type: Reverse Proof & Error Reverse Proof
  • Mint Location: San Francisco
  • Grade: Early Strike
  • Year: 2018
  • Circulated/Uncirculated: Uncirculated
  • Composition: Silver

2018 S Silver Kennedy 2 Coins (TWO) Reverse Proof & ERROR / VARIETY in FINISH

Proof U. S. Const 2 Coin Set, 1987- Gold $5 Half Eagle and Silver $1.00 hoolieguy

Proof U. S. Const 2 Coin Set, 1987- Gold $5 Half Eagle and Silver $1.00 hoolieguy
Proof U. S. Const 2 Coin Set, 1987- Gold $5 Half Eagle and Silver $1.00 hoolieguy
Proof U. S. Const 2 Coin Set, 1987- Gold $5 Half Eagle and Silver $1.00 hoolieguy
Proof U. S. Const 2 Coin Set, 1987- Gold $5 Half Eagle and Silver $1.00 hoolieguy
Proof U. S. Const 2 Coin Set, 1987- Gold $5 Half Eagle and Silver $1.00 hoolieguy
Proof U. S. Const 2 Coin Set, 1987- Gold $5 Half Eagle and Silver $1.00 hoolieguy
Proof U. S. Const 2 Coin Set, 1987- Gold $5 Half Eagle and Silver $1.00 hoolieguy
Proof U. S. Const 2 Coin Set, 1987- Gold $5 Half Eagle and Silver $1.00 hoolieguy

Proof U. S. Const 2 Coin Set, 1987- Gold $5 Half Eagle and Silver $1.00 hoolieguy
Historic collectibles produced by the U. Specially designed and created to commemorate the Constitution Bicentennial. Pics above are of the actual product you will receive. This is a collectible from my father’s long-time hobby.. Found another one and. It was stored in a trunk for many years, away from moisture and light. Thanks for you interest. The item “Proof U. S. Const 2 Coin Set, 1987- Gold $5 Half Eagle and Silver $1.00 hoolieguy” is in sale since Thursday, August 30, 2018. This item is in the category “Coins & Paper Money\Coins\ US\Commemorative\Modern Gold (1984-Now)”. The seller is “hoolieguy.myarbonne4″ and is located in Kerhonkson, New York. This item can be shipped to United States.
  • Year: 1987
  • Grade: Gem Proof
  • Denomination: $5
  • Mint Location: San Francisco
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
  • Circulated/Uncirculated: Uncirculated
  • Strike Type: Proof
  • Certification: U.S. Mint
  • Composition: Gold

Proof U. S. Const 2 Coin Set, 1987- Gold $5 Half Eagle and Silver $1.00 hoolieguy



2016 STAR TREK CAPTAIN JAMES T KIRK AND SPOCK 1oz SILVER PROOF 2 COIN SET. Marking 50 years since. First debuted, The Perth Mint is delighted to present this two-coin set depicting Captain James T. Kirk and Spock, and the starship. NCC-1701, as they appeared in the original. Proof Quality 99.9% Pure Silver. Both coins are struck by The Perth Mint from 1oz of 99.9% pure silver in proof quality. The reverse of the Captain James T. Kirk and Spock coin portrays a colour image of William Shatner as Captain James T. Kirk and Leonard Nimoy (1931 2015) as Spock as they appeared in. Against the backdrop of a galaxy. The design includes the inscription STAR TREK 1966 2016 and The Perth Mints traditional P mintmark. The reverse of the. NCC-1701 coin features a colour image of the. NCC-1701 as it appeared in. This coin is only available as part of the two coin set. Each coin is issued as legal tender under the Government of Tuvalu and depicts the Ian Rank-Broadley effigy of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the monetary denomination, and the 2016 year-date on it obverse. The Perth Mint will release no more than 1,500 of the 2016. The Original Series Captain James T. Kirk and Spock and the. NCC-1701 1oz Silver Proof Two-Coin Set. The two-coin set is packaged in a. The Captain James T. Kirk and Spock coin sits inside and when the door of the Transporter is opened, a light comes on so that the Captain appear to be teleporting. NCC-1701 coin sits on top of the case in its own compartment which also lights up. Numbered Certificate of Authenticity. Each set is accompanied by a numbered Certificate of Authenticity. Silver Content (Troy oz). Minimum Gross Weight (g). WE TAKE PRIDE IN PACKING OUR PRODUCTS AND GUARANTEE THAT THEY ARE RECEIVED IN EXCELLENT CONDITION! Please view our other items on E b a y! We Are Happy to Post Out Via Reg ular. Post within 24HRS of Receiving Cleared Funds. The item “2016 STAR TREK CAPTAIN JAMES T. KIRK AND SPOCK 1oz SILVER PROOF 2 COIN SET” is in sale since Thursday, March 2, 2017. This item is in the category “Coins\Coins\Australian\Decimal”. The seller is “blue-chip-coins” and is located in Melbourne, Victoria. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Era: 2000s
  • Composition: Silver
  • Year: 2015
  • Origin: Australia
  • Material: Silver


2018 S Silver Kennedy Half Dollar REVERSE PROOF Early Releases NGC PF70 (POR)

2018 S Silver Kennedy Half Dollar REVERSE PROOF Early Releases NGC PF70 (POR)
2018 S Silver Kennedy Half Dollar REVERSE PROOF Early Releases NGC PF70 (POR)

2018 S Silver Kennedy Half Dollar REVERSE PROOF Early Releases NGC PF70 (POR)
CHAMPION RARE COINS We are authorized NGC and PCGS dealers. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SEND US A MESSAGE. The item “2018 S Silver Kennedy Half Dollar REVERSE PROOF Early Releases NGC PF70 (POR)” is in sale since Monday, August 6, 2018. This item is in the category “Coins & Paper Money\Coins\ US\Half Dollars\Kennedy (1964-Now)”. The seller is “crc-1″ and is located in Miami, Florida. This item can be shipped to United States.
  • Modified Item: No
  • Certification Number: Will Vary
  • Certification: NGC
  • Strike Type: Reverse Proof
  • Denomination: 50C
  • Mint Location: San Francisco
  • Grade: PR 70
  • Year: 2018
  • Circulated/Uncirculated: Uncirculated
  • Composition: Silver

2018 S Silver Kennedy Half Dollar REVERSE PROOF Early Releases NGC PF70 (POR)