This modern coin lot starter set is a great gift for any coin collector! The set features multiple denominations, all of which are uncirculated and composed of silver, clad, nickel, and copper. The coins are from various years and have both business and proof strike types with fineness of. The mint locations are P/D/S and they are manufactured in the United States. This set is uncertified, but the quality speaks for itself. THIS IS NOT AN ESTATE SALE, LIQUIDATION, GRANDPA’S COLLECTION, HOARD, GRAB BAG, VAULT FIND, MASON JAR DUG UP, JUNK BOX OR FIRE SALE!! This offering was carefully assembled with one thing in mind and that was to have a set that had enough examples of modern coins in BU GEM Uncirculated and proof coins that the owner could immediately be proud to have it and create an interest to learn and improve on its contents. This set does just that and more. No bait and switch, the photo’s show everything that comes with this offering plus a bonus item which will be mentioned at the end of the description. (1) 1962 Silver Proof set displayed in a new Capital Holder. (1) 1966 Special Mint Set (SMS) Original box included. A 1976-P Uncirculated Bicentennial set including Ike Dollar, Kennedy Half, Washington Quarter. 1980 P-D-S Susan B. Anthony (SBA) Uncirculated Dollar Set. 1973 P-D Eisenhower Uncirculated Dollars. Sacagawea Dollar Proof in Air-Tite (Brand) Capsule. Presidential Dollar Proof in Air-Tite (Brand) Capsule. 90% Silver Quarter, Dime, and 35% Silver War Nickel, All Uncirculated. Mint Tokens from 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s. Quarter, Dime, Nickel and Penny Proofs from 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, 2000’s in Air-Tite (Brand) Capsules. The following Uncirculated BU. Quarters, 1968 P-D, 1979 P-D, 1980 P-D, 1992 P-D, 1995 P-D. Dimes; 1968 P-D, 1969 P-D, 1971 P-D, 1975 P-D, 1979 P-D, 1980 P-D, 1988 P-D, 1992 P-D, 1995 P-D. Nickels, 1946-D, 1953-D, 1954-S, 1954-D, 1956-S, 1958-P, 1959-P, 1965-P, 1966-P, 1969-S, 1970-S, 1971-D, 1974-D, 1981-P. Pennies, 1969 P-D-S, 1971 P-D-S, 1974 P-D-S, 1980 P-D, 1989 P-D, 1991 P-D. BU Roll (50 Coins) 1983-D, Very hard to find due to the mint not making mint sets in 1982 or 1983, only Souvenir Sets. These came from a 5000 Coin Bank Bag which I only opened a couple months back. Now That’s a set someone can be proud of!